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Hello, loves! finally, my first cooking recipe is up on my channel!
This time I cook TOM YUM.
Bahan Membuat Tomyum Simpel & Sehat
- 100 gr udang.
- 200 gr jamur kancing.
- 1 pax Pokcoy.
- 5 lembar daun jeruk.
- 5 cm lengkuas (geprek).
- 1 batang serai (potong2/geprek).
- 1 Sdm perasan jeruk nipis.
- 1200 liter air.
- Gula & Garam.
- Minyak goreng kelapa sedikit untuk menumis.
- Bumbu halus.
- 3 buah cabe merah (buang biji).
- 3 siung bawang putih.
Langkah Memasak Tomyum Simpel & Sehat
- Bismillah ^Bersihkan bahan-bahan, udang kupas kulit dan kepalanya, pisahkan udang yang bersih. Haluskan cabe dan bawang, apabila ingin pedas tambahkan cabe rawit merah (tumis bumbu sampai wangi dan matang)..
- Didikan air dan kepala udang. Setelah mendidih, buang kepala udang. Masukan bumbu yang sudah ditumis, daun jeruk, serai (kalau saya lebih seneng diiris serainya), lengkuas, udang, jamur kancing, gula garam, perasan jeruk nipis. Untuk pokcoy saya masukan terakhir kalau mau makan karen cepet sekali layunya. Koreksi rasa..
- Selamat mencoba, Barakallahu Fikk^^.
This simple tom yum soup recipe comes straight from Thailand! This is the exact recipe from the Thai family that owned and operated the guesthouse where I recently stayed on. This is not the "tom yum soup" that you know…the one with lemongrass, galangal, and One caveat though, typically you can only turn your soup into a tom yum noodle soup IF. Tom Yum Soup Thai Food Recipes - Learn How to Make Tom Yam Soup Goong ต้มยำก EBOOK ONLINE Asian Street Food Recipes Simple and Delicious Asian Street Food. Tom yum, or tom yam, is the simple and popular Thai hot and sour soup, familiar to many from Thai restaurant menus.
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