The Emperor Palpatine Reconstructive Center or EmPal SuRecon Center was a hidden Sith Medical Facility.
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The Chancellor Palpatine Surgical Reconstruction Center, sometimes shortened to ChanPal SuRecon Center, crowned one of the tallest buildings on Coruscant.
Bahan Membuat Empal susur
- 500 gr fillet dada ayam.
- 1 sdt tumbar bubuk.
- 40 gr gula merah sisir.
- 3 siung bawang putih.
- 1/2 sdt lada.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 1 butir telur.
- 2 lembar daun jeruk purut.
- 25 ml air.
- 2 sdt gula pasir.
Langkah Memasak Empal susur
- Fillet dada ayam rebus lebih kurang 15 menit, tiriskan, di ulek di cobek sampai nampak suwir suwir.
- Bumbu di haluskan kecuali daun jeruk purut, kemudian di tumis. Setelah itu beri air masukkan gula merah. Masukkan suwiran daging ayam aduk sampai rata. Dinginkan setelah itu kocok telur dan di campurkan. Baru di bentuk bulat pipih dan di goreng dengan api sedang.
To his surprise, the emperor is standing over him. Then he realizes that he is on an operating. The center, called the EmPal SuRecon in shorthand city-speak, was a well-armed and armored fortress and its interior was an odd mixture of modern technology and anĀ cient. EmPal SuRecon. sometimes shortened to ChanPal SuRecon Center, NO. I wonder if he got work done at EmPal SuRecon Center, formerly ChanPal SuRecon Center.
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