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Purple cannabis is immensely popular among cannabis connoisseurs, in fact many of the world's most coveted strains contain shades of purple.
It's clear to see why so many people are attracted to these.
Bahan Membuat Purple Crispy
- 4 bh terong ungu.
- 1 bks tepung bumbu golden crispy sajiku.
- sejumput Garam.
- secukupnya Air.
- secukupnya Minyak goreng.
- sesuai selera Saus.
Langkah Memasak Purple Crispy
- Cuci bersih terong. Lalu potong membulat atau setengah bulat. Sesuai selera asal tipis..
- Siapkan adonan basah dan kering. Untuk basah cukp 1 sdm tepung sajiku golden crispy dan 2 sdm air matang. Untuk kering cukup tepung bumbu sajiku golden crispy (sisa adonan basah saya pakai semua) ditambah sejumput garam. Aduk rata..
- Masukkan terong yg sudah dipotong ke adonan basah, laly ke adonan kering. Kocok sampai tepung menempel sempurna..
- Panaskan minyak. Goreng terong satu persatu sampai terendam minyak. Jika sudah berubah warna kuning keemasan, angkat lalu tiriskan. Siap disajikan dengan saus sambal atau saus tomat..
Well for the last two weeks I've been getting a lot of requests for a crispy spicy fried chicken recipe. A purple colored girl wearing a creeper shirt. For the item, see Crispy the cabbage. Crispy the Cabbage (known as simply Crispy in the menagerie) is a follower pet unlocked after completion of Gower Quest. He first appears leading his fellow cabbages in their riot for partyhats.
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