Easy to make and customize, you'll love these as a go-to breakfast or a snack.
Spray baking sheet with nonstick spray.
Drop dough by large tablespoons onto cookie sheet; flatten a bit with a rubber spatula.
Bahan Membuat Banana - Oat gurih baked microwave
- gandum.
- pisang matang.
- kacang almond sangrai.
- anggur.
- kismis kuning.
- chia seeds.
- keju mozarella.
- keju cheddar.
Langkah Memasak Banana - Oat gurih baked microwave
- Rebus gandum hingga matang, tiriskan.
- Hancurkan pisang dan campurkan dengan gandum hingga tercampur merata..
- Potong buah anggur menjadi 2 dan potong kecil2 keju cheddar.
- Masukan adonan pisang dan gandum ke dalam wadah alumumium voil, tambahkan keju cheddar. lalu taburi dengan parutan keju mozarella. taburkan chia seeds, letakkan kacang almond, kismis kuninga dan potongan anggur diatas sbg hiasan..
- Masukan kedalam microwave dengan suhu medium selama 8 menit. setelah matang keluarkan dan sajikan selagi hangat. rasanya manis dan gurih bercampur....
They don't contain any flour or refined sugar, but they still taste like soft, sweet cookies. Bananas and quick oats are all you need for the cookies. If you want some variation, you can add chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruit. Easy, delicious and healthy Microwave Banana Oat Cakes recipe from SparkRecipes. Remove from the microwave and just wait a minute or two for it to cool and firm up a bit.
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