What's more, they're highly diverse, covering many major food categories, including meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products and many more.
A healthy, low-carb diet based on real foods can help you lose weight and improve.
Skip the packaged oatmeal and create a DIY version with these wonderful healthy oatmeal toppings.
Bahan Membuat Bubur OatMeal Gurih Low Calori <Healthy Food>
- 5 sdm Quaker Oat.
- 2 bawang merah cincang.
- 1 bawang putih Cincang.
- 2 daun jeruk nipis.
- 250 ml air.
- Segenggam Jagung pipil (bisa ganti sama bayam, wortel, kubis).
- Sejumput garam dan lada bubuk.
- Topping.
- Telur rebus/telur orak arik.
- Nori.
- Bebas seadanya di rumah.
Langkah Memasak Bubur OatMeal Gurih Low Calori <Healthy Food>
- Tumis bawang merah bawang putih tanpa minyak hingga harum.
- Masukkan air lalu oatmeal. Masak hingga mulai mengental.
- Masukkan daun jeruk dan jagung. Tambahkan garam dan lada. Koreksi rasa.
- Masak hingga mendidih.
Whole grains and beans have a little more calorie density per given volume than other foods, but they are still good options because of their high fiber contents. A healthy and low calorie chicken casserole with bacon, button mushrooms, peas and a parsley sauce - use chicken thighs for extra flavour and juiciness. Think of it as healthy fast food - it's low-fat, low-calorie and low-cost as well. These low-calorie foods also happen to be nutrient-dense foods. They'll provide you with the nutrition you need without causing you to pack on the pounds!
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