Rahasia masak sarden mudah TAPI maknyuss
A wide variety of sardines tomato options are available to you, such as product type, style.
Bahan Membuat sarden tomat maknyuss
- ikan tongkol pindang,goreng sebentar.
- tomat matang.
- bawang putih,geprek.
- bawang merah ,iris iris.
- cabe rawit merah,iris.
- jahe,geprek.
- garam,gula dan penyedap.
Langkah Memasak sarden tomat maknyuss
- rebus tomat dalam air mendidih sampai lunak.blender halus kemudian saring airnya..
- tumis bawang putih,bawang merah,cabe rawit dan jahe sampai harum.masukkan ikan dan air tomat.bumbui dan masak sampai mendidih.angkat..
Farmland Sardines are canned from freshly caught sardines, from the Western Pacific Ocean Area. Looking for sardines tomato factory direct sale? You can buy factory price sardines tomato from a great list of reliable China sardines tomato manufacturers, suppliers. Classic Moroccan recipe for petite sardine balls poached in spicy homemade tomato sauce. Moroccan Sardine Balls in Spicy Tomato Sauce Recipe.
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