Design a Simple, Beautiful Garden Landscape.
Gardening season isn't far off now!
If you're anything like me you've already ordered your seeds and.
Bahan Membuat Sarden simple
- Pindang tongkol 1 keranjang.
- Bahan halus:.
- Tomat besar.
- Cabe merah besar.
- Bahan iris:.
- tomat kecil.
- bawang merah.
- bawang putih.
- cabe besar.
- Cabe rawit (skip).
- Daun brambang.
- Kecap, garam, penyedap rasa.
Langkah Memasak Sarden simple
- Potong2 tomat dan cabe besar lalu rebus sebentar setelah itu blender..
- Bersihkan ikan lalu goreng setengah matang.
- Tumis bahan iris setelah harum masukkan bahan yg di blender tambahkan air lalu masukkan kecap garam penyedap rasa.
- Setelah itu masukkan ikan biarkan bumbu sampai meresap.. jangan lupa test rasa... Selamat menikmati....
Most relevant Best selling Latest uploads. Able to serve our lawn, our veggie garden, able to keep A selection of simple, inexpensive-cheap garden edging ideas has been curated. Cara mengolah sarden untuk sahur enak dan simple😱😱. A garden is usually a piece of land that is used for growing flowers, trees, shrubs, and other plants. The act of caring for a garden by watering the flowers and plants and removing the weeds is called gardening.
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