Resep puding ubi ungu enak dan simple.
One of our favorite desserts growing up!
This tapioca pudding recipe uses small pearl tapioca, milk, sugar, eggs, and vanilla.
Bahan Membuat Puding tanah simple
- 1 sachet nutrijel coklat.
- 6 sdm gula.
- 3 gelas air.
- Topping:.
- Secukupnya permen yuppi.
- Secukupnya gorio rio, hancurkan.
- Secukupnya daun pandan.
Langkah Memasak Puding tanah simple
- Masak nutrijel sesuai petunjuk di kemasan.
- Tuangkan 1sendok sayur ke dalam cup.
- Setelah dingin beri topping. Beri 1 sdt gorio Rio, daun Pandan dan permen yuppi.
This simple bake is lovely with a cuppa. Or have it for dessert instead, with custard or ice cream. This is a list of notable puddings. This list includes both sweet and savoury puddings that conform to one of two definitions: A sweet or savoury dish consisting of various ingredients baked, steamed or boiled into a solid mass. Making pudding from scratch is surprisingly simple and so satisfying.
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