Fold the remaining fruit into the pudding mixture and spoon this over the currants in the dish.
My pudding is gently spiced, and filled and topped with apple and blackcurrant jam.
A classic steamed pudding made with apple and blackcurrant and cooked in a multicooker.
Bahan Membuat Puding blackcurrant
- 1 bungkus nutrijel yoghurt rasa blackcurrant.
- 1/2 bungkus agar agar bubuk plain.
- 1 1/2 gelas gula pasir.
- 3 gelas air.
- 1 sdm yoghurt plain.
- 1 sdm skm.
- 5 buah permen dihancurkan.
- Sedikit pewarna ungu (sy kehabisan 😁).
Langkah Memasak Puding blackcurrant
- Masukkan permen, gula, nutrijel, agar dan air kedalam panci..
- Masak dgn api kecil hingga mendidih.
- Matikan api, masukkan yoghurt, skm dan pewarna, aduk. Lalu tuang kecetakan, dinginkan...
Make the blackcurrant `kiisseli' using the same method as for Vanilla `kiisseli'. This is a great guide to growing Blackcurrants, where you'll learn how to plant, space See the estimated yield and how to protect your Blackcurrants from diseases and pests. Blackcurrant Custard Pudding Recipe is not tested. Blackcurrants - I used these NZ organic freeze dried blackcurrants from viBERi - they can be purchased from their. Blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum) are an acquired taste when eaten fresh; they're a flavour not everyone relishes.
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