Silky Pudding ini bisa dimakan langsung atau diaplikasikan bersama minuman seperti Pudot.
Bring the pudding to a boil over medium-high heat, whisking slowly and scraping the bottom of the pot to prevent scorching.
This vegan strawberry smoothie gets a silky texture from the addition of tofu and is quick and Silky Strawberry Smoothie. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
Bahan Membuat Silky puding strawberry
- 1 sct agar2 rasa strawberry (sy pke nutrijell).
- 1 sct skm putih.
- 3 sdm maizena.
- 4 sdm gula pasir.
- 700 ml air.
- 1 sct susu dancow.
- 1 tts pewarna pink.
- Topping:.
- Selai strawberry.
- Rainbow candy.
Langkah Memasak Silky puding strawberry
- Campur smua bahan aduk sampai gula larut..
- Jika gula sdh larut, saring agar nnt hasil ny bnr2 halus..
- Lalu panas kan sambil trs di aduk hingga mendidih, matikan kompor..
- Tgg uap hilang tp jgn sampai dingin ya mom, br tuang ke cup, jk sdh agak dingin br beri topping ny, dingin lbh nikmat mom..
Ngomongin strawberry emang gak akan ada habisnya. Udah gak bisa bayangin kalo bersatu padu sama Cielov silky pudding. Lembut, segar, dan… ah order yuk! Add a single layer of sliced strawberries to the top for a burst of antioxidants and bright color and flavor. Have you ever wanted to make pudding and realized you have no premix?
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