A wide variety of magic cotton candy options are available to you, such as flavor, applicable industries, and certification.
Calculating the density of a planet requires a return to high school physics.
The density of an object is its mass divided by its volume; the volume is determined by its radius.
Bahan Membuat Puding Busa Cotton Candy
- 1000 mL air.
- 350 gr gula pasir.
- 1 sachet agar-agar plain.
- 1 sachet Nutrijell rasa strawberry.
- 4 butir putih telur.
- 2 tetes pewarna makanan merah.
Langkah Memasak Puding Busa Cotton Candy
- Kocok putih telur dengan mixer berkecepatan tinggi hingga kaku (ketika mangkuk dibalik, isi tidak tumpah).
- Campurkan air, Nutrijell, agar-agar plain, dan gula pasir. Masak hingga mendidih sambil terus diaduk. Diamkan 3 menit..
- Campurkan putih telur, pewarna makanan,dan larutan agar-agar dan jelly, aduk dengan spatula hingga rata..
- Tuangkan ke dalam cetakan, bagian busa akan berada di atas karena lebih ringan,sehingga terbentuk lapisan dengan sendirinya..
The cotton candy actually consists mainly of air, and there is just a small quantity of sugar. Cotton candy is typically served on a stick and it has a distinctively sweet flavor, even though it quickly dissolves in the. Share All sharing options for: Watch: How to Make Hand-Pulled Cotton Candy. Traditionally, in some countries, this treat is paired with crunchy peanuts. But it's so light and airy, like cotton candy, that you can just use your fingers to eat.
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