Strawberries and Cream Jello Salad Six Sisters' Stuff. cream cheese, boiling water, milk, jello, crushed pineapple, frozen whipped topping.
Lemon Jello Cake Bitz and Giggles.
Ini salah satu minuman favorit keluarga.
Bahan Membuat Milky Jelly LowFat
- 1 ltr susu uht low fat.
- 1 pcs nutrijel plain.
- 2 pcs Pop Ice permen karet (adanya ini tadi dirumah 😆).
Langkah Memasak Milky Jelly LowFat
- Bikin jelly nya sesuai petunjuk dikemasanmya.trus diamkan sampai padat ya.
- Campur pop ice dengan air dikit aja. trus masukan susu cair.
- Potong dadu jelly nya.
- Masukan jelly ke dalam botol. 1/4nya aja..
- Tuang susu yang sudah dicampur pop ice kedalam botol. jadii dehh. simple banget kan. mau dingin masukan kulkas..
It was a touch firm, but not unpleasantly so. I didn't get three pretty layers. I am not sure why this is. I poured the recipe into small jelly jars. Some of the jars had a very thin "clear" level and some had none.
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