Our premium Cotton Candy jelly beans are flavored both inside and outside for a big flavor that could.
Welcome to the official Candy Crush Jelly Saga fan page!
Have you got the moves to beat the Jelly Queen?
Bahan Membuat Candy Jelly
- 2 bungkus agar-agar merk swallow globe (putih).
- 1 bungkus nutrijell sesuai selera.
- 1/2 kg gula pasir.
- 1/2 liter air.
- Sejumput garam.
- Secukupnya pewarna makanan.
Langkah Memasak Candy Jelly
- Campur semua bahan. Masak sampai mendidih, lalu tuang di atas loyang uk. 22 x 22 diamkan hingga dingin..
- Potong-potong jelly sesuai selera..
- Jemur jelly yang sudah di potong-potong selama 2-3 hari. Gula akan keluar dengan sendirinya pada jelly setelah kering..
- Setelah kering, simpan jelly dalam toples..
- Tips : menjemur jelly harus benar-benar terkena panas matahari, supaya jelly yg dihasilkan menjadi kering, berbentuk seperti crystal..
New Candy Crush Jelly Saga is full of delightful game modes, features and boss battles featuring the Jelly Queen! Playing as Jenny, show off your Jellylicious moves and take turns switching Candies. Jelly candy is usually a bit softer than a gummy candy. Jelly candy comes in many forms including the jelly bean and the gum drop. These candy, jelly, and deep-fat frying thermometers are some of the best for home cooking.
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