The objective of jelly levels is to remove all of the jellies and reach the target score. #Halloween #pumpkin #candy #jelly candy #pumpkins #my favourite kind of candy is cherry candy My mom bought a box of these weird candies; basically orange jelly dipped in dark chocolate and.
My husband is a big fan of fruit jelly candy.
In fact, one of our girls had a friend who worked in a hardware store as a cashier in high school.
Bahan Membuat Jelly candy
- agar2 putih (sy pke swalow globe).
- nutrijel rasa sesuai selera (saya leci).
- gula pasir.
- air.
Langkah Memasak Jelly candy
- Campurkan smua bahan dalam panci.masak hingga mendidih.
- Cetak dalam wadah.saya pakai loyang kuker uk 18 cm 2 biji.
- Biarkan mengeras dan potong kecil2.jemur d bawah terik matahari sampai kering dan mengkristal.jangan lupa waktu menjemur d tutupin kain tipis ya biar ga kena debu.saya menjemurnya 4 harian..
- Kl udah kering siap masuk dalam stoples.selamat mencoba ^_^.
- Nb: bisa jg d tambahkan pewarna sesuai selera ya.
Learn everything you want about Jelly Candy with the wikiHow Jelly Candy Category. Learn about topics such as How to Make Gummy Bears, How to Make CBD Oil Gummies. Learn to make delicious jelly candy at home with Orange Jelly Candy from My Food and Family! Most relevant Best selling Latest uploads. Orange jelly candy are finger-sized sticks of soft jelly candy generally sold in food specialty stores in Hong Kong.
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