Kulit puff pastry home made1 Making puff pastry is a labour of love, but the flaky, buttery result is such a treat. You can't beat sausage rolls made with homemade Give the pastry a further two turns, without resting in between. Place the pastry on a plate, cover with cling film and transfer to the.

Bahan Membuat Kulit puff pastry home made1

  1. Bahan:.
  2. 250 gr terigu cakra kembar.
  3. 1 sdm gula.
  4. 1/2 sdt garam.
  5. 25 gr mentega.
  6. 125 ml air dingin.
  7. 125 gr korsvet.

Langkah Memasak Kulit puff pastry home made1

  1. Campur semua bahan kecuali korsvet jd satu,,,aduk uleni gak perlu smp kalis.
  2. Setelah itu pindah k meja kerja,,Gilas dng rolling pin,,,lurus memanjang,oles bagian atas tipis tipis dng korsvet,,,lipat jd 2 bagian.
  3. Setelah lipat jadi 2 bagian lipat jadi 2 bagian(1/4 bagian) jadi satu,,,taburi terigu lagi,,,,putar 90° lalu Gilas tipis lagi.
  4. Oles lagi korsvetny,,,lipat lagi jd 2 bagian dan 4 bagian,lakukan hal ini sbnyk 4 kali. Taburkan terigu di setiap menggilas adonan.
  5. Tipis kan adonan setjnggi 0.5 cm potong sesuai selera bisa lngsng digunakan/ bisa jg disimpan di freezer lapis dng plastik tiap lapisannny lalu wrap,,,bisa kuat 1 bln.

As in, same idea, less fussing around. A simple tutorial showing you how to make puff pastry at home! Puff Pastry is made with the same basic ingredients as pie pastry, but the dough is folded multiple times to create layers. If your guests are not happy with what you've prepared, print the form, follow all. Puff pastry is made through the process of lamination - where a large block of butter is wrapped in dough, then put through a series of rolls and folds.

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