Only one look at the photos of this divine chocolate.
This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, chocolaty and decadent, hardly not to fall in love with it from the first bite.
This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, smooth, creamy and full of flavor.
Bahan Membuat Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Bahan Dark Chocolate Mousse :.
- 110 gram susu cair.
- 5 gram gelatin.
- 2 sdm air.
- 175 gram dark cooking chocolate, cincang.
- 100 gram whip cream bubuk + 200 ml air es).
- Bahan White Chocolate Mousse :.
- 110 gram susu cair.
- 5 gram gelatin.
- 2 sdm air.
- 175 gram white cooking chocolate, cincang.
- 100 gram whip cream bubuk + 200 ml air es).
Langkah Memasak Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Dark Chocolate Mousse: Larutkan gelatin dengan 2 sdm air, aduk rata. Diamkan..
- Panaskan susu cair dengan api kecil, cukup sampai terlihat bagian pinggirnya mulai mendidih. Matikan api. Masukkan gelatin. Aduk rata sampai larut..
- Taruh DCC dalam wadah agak besar. Tuangi susu panas. Diamkan hingga coklat meleleh. Aduk hingga tercampur rata. Sisihkan. Jaga tetap hangat kuku..
- Kocok whip cream hingga soft peak. Campurkan bertahap ke dalam campuran coklat. Aduk rata..
- Siapkan loyang bulat diameter 20 cm..
- Letakkan cake pada dasar loyang. Basahi dengan simple syrup (supaya lembab). Tuang dark chocolate mousse, ratakan. Simpan di freezer supaya set..
- Buat white chocolate mousse dengan cara yang sama. Tuang di atas lapisan dark chocolate mousse. Ratakan. Simpan kembali di freezer..
- Taburi dengan coklat bubuk/ tuang DCC di atasnya.
It's made with a chocolate cake base, cool creamy mousse filling, and topped with rich dark chocolate ganache. Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake is for all the chocolate lovers. A light sponge cake is topped with a silky smooth, rich mousse and topped with ganache. Chocolate Mousse was one of the very first recipes I tried to make, way back when I was a middle schooler. This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, chocolaty and decadent, hard not to fall in love with it from the first bite.
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