They look especially eye popping when you garnish them with a bright red raspberry.
Many will appreciate that this is a gluten free.
This Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Mousse Filling belongs in a baking contest!
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Rhum Mousse Cake
- Lapisan bawah.
- 200 gram digestive biscuit.
- 90 gram melted butter.
- 90 gram dark chocolate.
- Lapisan tengah.
- 270 gram dark chocolate.
- 600 gram heavy cream.
- 4 sachet gula diabetasol.
- 60 ml rhum essence.
- Lapisan atas.
- 400 gram heavy cream.
- 270 gram dark chocolate.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Rhum Mousse Cake
- Haluskan biskuit, dark chocolate dan tambahkan melted butter menggunakan food processor atau drymill. Tuang ke loyang, padatkan dengan sendok. Simpan kulkas minimal 30 menit..
- Lelehkan dark chocolate. Kocok heavy cream sampai mengembang sambil tambahkan gula diabetasol dan rhum essence secara bertahap. Campurkan dengan coklat leleh dengan aduk balik menggunakan spatula. Tuang ke loyang tadi, ratakan, dan simpan kulkas minimal 3 jam..
- Panaskan heavy cream, tuang pada coklat yang sudah di potong-potong. Aduk rata sampai coklat meleleh sempurna. Sisihkan..
- Lepaskan cake dari loyang, taruh pada rak pendingin. Lalu tuangi lapisan atas coklat. Ratakan. Dan simpan kembali ke kulkas minimal 30 menit atau sampai set sebelum dituangi coklat kembali. Lakukan berulang sampai semua adonan coklat atas habis. Setelah set, baru bisa dinikmati. Selamat makan ๐๐.
Our thanks to Sharon Kurtz of Emmaus, PA, who took top honors with it at the. MASTER CLASS RHUM * RHUM ET CHOCOLAT * Une sรฉlection de rhums de la Cave Christian de Chocolate Strawberry Mousse Cake - Chocolate cake filled with fresh strawberries and This is the latest cake I made. I decided to post this first instead of the previous ones because I had the. Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake is for all the chocolate lovers. Chocolate Mousse was one of the very first recipes I tried to make, way back when I was a middle schooler.
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