It's the perfect no bake chocolate cake.
Kids friendly, this all natural cake is such a treat.
No artificial flavors, no artificial colors, no preservatives or hydrogenated fat.
Bahan Membuat Smooth Chocolate Mousse Cake
- 100 gr MCC (milk chocolate compound).
- 250 ml full cream milk.
- 200 ml heavy cream.
- 10 gr gelatin.
- Cocoa powder.
Langkah Memasak Smooth Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Iris tipis MCC (boleh di lebih kan dari 100gr sesuai selera).
- Tuang semua bahan di panci (susu, MCC, heavy cream) aduk rata dengan api kecil, setelah warna merata coklat, tuang gelatin yang sudah di campur air (sekitar 2-3 sdm kalau bisa air hangat) aduk rata sampai agak kental, matikan api diamkan sampai dingin, tuang di wadah (saya wadah plastik saja cukup) masukan kulkas sampai mengeras kenyal lalu keluarkan dari wadah taburi coklat bubuk diatasnya.
This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, smooth, creamy and full of flavor. It features layer of chocolate souffle cake, rich chocolate mousse and white chocolate mousse on top. Garnished with chocolate ganache and berries. Great for any occasion and celebration. This intensely moist and fudgy cake is filled with chocolate mousse and fresh raspberries, then iced with rich chocolate frosting.
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