And it tastes even better than it looks.
A crunchy Oreo crust topped with silky, smooth chocolate mousse and.
This intensely moist and fudgy cake is filled with chocolate mousse and fresh raspberries, then iced with rich chocolate frosting.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate mousse cake
- 1 buah cake coklat belah 2.
- Chocolate mousse.
- 1 1/2 cup (360 ml) heavy cream.
- 1 1/2 cup (360 ml) heavy cream.
- 12 ounces (340 gram) dcc.
- 1/2 cup (113 gram) sugar.
- 1/3 cup (79 ml) water.
- 3 egg yolk.
- Bahan ganache glaze.
- 1 cup (240 ml) heavy cream.
- 8 ounces (227 gram) dcc.
- Optional 1/2 tbsp glucosa.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate mousse cake
- Siapkan loyang segi empat atau loyang bundar, lebih baik bongkar pasang, karna ak gak punya loyang bongkar pasang jadi ak pake loyang segi empat trus dilapisi pake alumunium foil.
- Mousse cake: Tim 1 bagian heavy cream dengan dcc, aduk sampai cair, sisihkan.
- Rebus gula dan air sampai mendidih dan gula larut, angkat.
- Kocok kuning telur 1 menit, kemudian masukkan larutan gula yg masih panas,lanjutkan kocok sampai kental, campurkan adonan coklat, aduk rata, dinginkan.
- Kocok 1 bagian heavy cream sampai kaku, kemudian masukkan adonan coklat,.
- Tuang sebagian adonan coklat ke loyang, kemudian ambil selembar cake letak diatasnya, tuang lagi adonan coklat ke atas cake, tutup dengan selembar cake, dinginkan 1 malam.
- Ganache glaze: Tim semua Bahan ganache glaze, hilangkan uap panasnya.
- Keluarkan cake dari loyang dengan posisi terbalik, Siram dengan ganache, hias sesua selera.
- Ini slice nya.
- .
Eggless Chocolate Mousse Cake with an eggless cake topped with a light chocolate mousse and finished with a chocolate ganache. This is a chocolate lovers dream and a perfect treat to make for. Recipe courtesy of Marcel DeSaulniers and Marcel Desaulniers. Grated chocolate, cookie crumbs or chopped nuts for coating the sides of cake, if desired. Mary Berry's rich, indulgent chocolate mousse cake is fit for a celebration and makes a stunning centrepiece.
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