If that's not impressive enough, the whole thing is enrobed in a gorgeous milk chocolate mirror glaze and decorated with an edible gold splatter.
This Easy Chocolate Mousse recipe is the perfect dessert for your next dinner party.
It's ultra smooth, creamy, and will have your guests oohing and aahing.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Mousse with Glaze
- Chocolate mousse:.
- 1 btr kuning telur.
- 15 gr gula halus.
- 6 gr galatin.
- 25 ml air mineral.
- 150 ml whip cream.
- 70 gr dark chocolate.
- Chocolate Glaze:.
- 100 ml air mineral.
- 170 gr gula pasir halus.
- 75 gr coklat bubuk.
- 10 gr galatin.
- 100 ml cream.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Mousse with Glaze
- Lelehkan coklat dg cara di tim.
- Campurkan galatine dan air lalu lelehkan dg cara di tim.
- Kocok whip cream hingga mengembang dan kaku. Sisihkan.
- Siapkan mangkuk besar, campurkan telur dan gula lalu aduk diatas air panas dg menggunakan balloon whisk hingga kental dan pucat.
- Masukan coklat dan galatine yg sdh leleh kedalamnya aduk hingga rata.
- Angkat dari air panas lalu campurkan whip cream aduk hingga rata.
- Tuang kedalam cetakan silicon lalu bekukan selama 1jam di dalam freezer.
- Chocolate Glaze: campur galatin dan air dgn cara di tim.
- Campur semua bahan di dalam sauce pan/teflon lalu panaskan.
- Setelah tercampur rata dan panas, masukkan galatin cair aduk rata.
- Hand blander adonan hingga lembut.
- Sebelum digunakan utk menghilangkan gelembung udara, dg cara dihentakan. Glaze siap digunakan di suhu 32° - 34°C.
- Setelah adonan chocolate mousse sdh mengeras, keluarkan dari cetakan silicon, taruh di atas cooling rack yg dibawahnya dialasi wadah utk menampung sisa siraman glaze.
- Setelah siap siram chocolate glaze di atas adonan chocolate mousse hingga rata. Lalu pindahkan di tmpt saji..
If you're not familiar with glazed mousse, it's a chocolate glaze that is poured over cakes—usually mousse or other soft molded desserts—to give "My chocolate mousse is often grainy." Be careful to reheat your chocolate mixture slightly before you incorporate the whipped egg whites or whipped. Now, there are chocolate mousse recipes that simply involve folding whipped cream into melted chocolate. Good, yes, but to make a sublime chocolate mousse with that lovely "mouth-feel", you also need egg yolks, whipped egg whites, and whipped heavy cream. This easy Chocolate Mousse recipe is super simple to make from scratch and deliciously light and fluffy. It's fancy enough for a party but easy enough to make whenever you have a craving for chocolate!
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