This luscious chocolate mousse cheesecake is baked in a water bath, keeping it light, creamy and melt-in-your mouth delectable.
In this perfect chocolate cheesecake, a crumbly, chocolate wafer crust belies an incredibly rich filling with a pillow of softly whipped vanilla cream for lightness.
Swirl in some (optional) fudge-y ganache for an experience you won't soon forget.
Bahan Membuat Unbaked Cheesecake with Chocolate Mousse
- Bahan cheesecake:.
- 250 gr biskuit marie regal, hancurkan.
- 100 gr unsalted butter, lelehkan (aku pakai anchor).
- 2 sdm coklat bubuk.
- 300 ml whipped cream cair, kocok kaku (aku pakai anchor).
- 170 gr keju prochiz spready.
- 35 gr gula halus.
- Bahan chocolate mousse:.
- 250 ml whipped cream cair, kocok kaku.
- 200 gr dark cooking chocolate (DCC), lelehkan.
Langkah Memasak Unbaked Cheesecake with Chocolate Mousse
- Cheesecake: Campur biskuit, unsalted butter, dan coklat bubuk hingga rata. Tuang ke dalam loyang sambil ditekan-tekan, lalu simpan di kulkas selama +/- 30 menit. Dalam wadah lain, kocok whipped cream yang sudah kaku dengan keju spready dan gula halus hingga rata. Sisihkan. Di sini boleh tes rasa ya, misal kurang manis bisa ditambah gulanya..
- Chocolate mousse: Kocok whipped cream yang sudah kaku dengan DCC hingga rata. Sisihkan..
- Penyelesaian: Tuang adonan chocolate mousse dan cheesecake ke dalam loyang yang telah berisi adonan biskuit secara selang seling hingga penuh. Beri topping coklat parut, lalu simpan di dalam kulkas selama +/- 4 jam..
For the filling, with a handheld electric mixer or in the bowl of a stand mixer, blend together the softened cream cheese and granulated sugar until smooth. Decadent and delicious Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake with an Oreo cookie crust, cheesecake filling, chocolate mousse, and topped with chocolate ganache. There's no question about it; if you're a chocolate lover, you MUST make this Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake. Chocolate Mousse CheesecakeSilky Chocolate Cheesecake Topped with a Layer of Belgian Chocolate Mousse. Chocolate Tuxedo Cream® CheesecakeLayers of Our Fudge Cake, Chocolate Cheesecake, Vanilla Mascarpone Mousse and Chocolate.
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