Avocado Choco Mousse -Keto The avocado gives this mousse its creamy texture and the chia powder works as a thickening agent. Simple, satisifying chocolate avocado mousse recipe, ready in an instant. I also have been enjoying the simple avocado mousse with a hint of espresso.

Bahan Membuat Avocado Choco Mousse -Keto

  1. 🥑Bahan Avocado mousse :.
  2. 250-300 gr daging alpukat matang.
  3. 50-100 ml air untuk memblender alpukat.
  4. 250-300 ml whippy cream dingin.
  5. 10 tetes suclarose (sesuaikan tingkat kemanisan dengan selera).
  6. 🥑Chocolate Ganache.
  7. 50 gr DCC (me, Lindt 99%).
  8. 200 ml whippy cream.
  9. 1 sdm butter.
  10. 7 tetes suclarose (sesuaikan tingkat kemanisan sesuai selera).
  11. 🥑taburan :.
  12. Secukupnya almond sliced, sangrai.

Langkah Memasak Avocado Choco Mousse -Keto

  1. Blender alpukat dengan air hingga halus, sisihkan, simpan dalam kulkas.
  2. Kocok whippy cream dingin hingga kaku.
  3. Lalu tuang dan mix dengan blenderan alpukat yang sudah dingin, tetesi dengan suclarose, mix hingga rata.
  4. Tuang dalam wadah, ratakan, simpan sejenak dalam kulkas.
  5. Chocolate Ganache : tim coklat dengan whippy cream hingga coklat meleleh, angkat, lalu masukkan butter dan suclarose, aduk rata, biarkan bersuhu ruang.
  6. Ambil wadah berisi mousse alpukat, tuang atasnya dengan chocolate ganache, ratakan, taburi atasnya dengan sliced almond.
  7. Tutup, simpan dalam kulkas, sajikan dingin lebih oke, dan segera habiskan agar tidak pahit.

This choco-avocado mousse is rich, smooth and delicious, the perfect after dinner and guilt-free treat. The blend of healthy ingredients leaves you satiated and nourished. Avocado is one fruit that we often bring at home. All the time I usually make an Avocado milkshake or So again I bumped into the Mousse recipe on Kiran's blog. when I saw her pics and post, I knew. Chocolate Avocado Mousse: This is something I've been seeing all over the internets - chocolate avocado mousse!

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