Only one look at the photos of this divine chocolate.
This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, chocolaty and decadent, hardly not to fall in love with it from the first bite.
This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, smooth, creamy and full of flavor.
Bahan Membuat Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake
- 1 lembar basic chocolate cake (sdh saya share resepnya).
- Dark choco Mousse:.
- 150 gr dark chocolate.
- 120 gr whipped cream.
- 4 gr gelatin bubuk. Larutkan dengan air biasa.
- 150 gr whipped cream.
- Milk Choco Mousse dan White choco Mousse resepnya jg sama.
Langkah Memasak Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Larutkan chocolate dan 120 gr whip cream. Sisihkan..
- Larutkan gelatin dengan 1 sdm air + 1/2 sdt air. Biarkan krg lbh 2 menit. Gelatin akan membentuk jelly, kemudian tim gelatin tsb hingga larut semua..
- Campurkan gelatin yg sdh larut total ke dlm coklat. Aduk rata dan sisihkan..
- Kocok 150 gr whip cream hingga mengembang. Campurkan coklat tadi ke dalam whip cream yg sudah dikocok. Aduk menggunakan spatula hingga rata..
- Susun 1 lbr cake coklat ke dalam ring mousse. Lalu berikan simple syrup agar cake (air dan gula yg dilarutkan). Fungsinya untuk menjaga agar cake tetap moist atau lembab..
- Tuang adonan mousse ke atas cake coklat dan ratakan. Simpan dalam kulkas sekitar 20 menit. Lalu buat lagi dengan cara dan bahan yang sama tetapi menggunakan milk chocolate, dan terakhir dengan white chocolate.
- Setelah selesai semua, masukkan ke dlm kulkas minimal 8 jam. Silahkan menikmati mousse cake dingin yang lezat..Enjoy!! 😉.
It's made with a chocolate cake base, cool creamy mousse filling, and topped with rich dark chocolate ganache. Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake is for all the chocolate lovers. A light sponge cake is topped with a silky smooth, rich mousse and topped with ganache. Chocolate Mousse was one of the very first recipes I tried to make, way back when I was a middle schooler. This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, chocolaty and decadent, hard not to fall in love with it from the first bite.
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