Only one look at the photos of this divine chocolate.
This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, chocolaty and decadent, hardly not to fall in love with it from the first bite.
This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, smooth, creamy and full of flavor.
Bahan Membuat Triple Chocolate mousse cake
- base cake'a:.
- 250 g biskuit regal.
- 100 g dark cooking chocolate(dcc).
- 78 g unsalted butter/margarine.
- milk chocolate mousse:.
- 110 g susu cair.
- 5 g gelatine bubuk.
- 2 sdm air.
- 175 g milk cooking chocolate,cincang.
- 100 g whipe cream bubuk + 200ml air es.
- white chocolate mousse:.
- 110 g susu cair.
- 5 g gelatine bubuk.
- 2 sdm air.
- 175 g white cooking chocolate,cincang.
- 100 g whipe cream + 200ml air es.
- stawberry chocolate mousse:.
- 110 g susu cair.
- 5 g gelatine.
- 2 sdm air.
- 175 g stawberry cooking chocolate,cincang.
- 100 g whipe cream + 200 ml air es.
Langkah Memasak Triple Chocolate mousse cake
- Siapkn bahan&loyang 24cm bongkar pasang. bikin base cake'a dulu. tim butter dan drak chocolate sisihkan&haluskan regal.
- Satukan tim dan regal lalu masukan dalam loyang bongpas dan tekan2 ratakn simpan difreezer.
- Bikin milk mousse'a timbang bahan, larutkan gelatine dgn air hgga mengental si2hkn,masak su2 dgn api kecil hgga muncul gelembung2 kecil dtepi dan matikan kompor.
- Lalu masukn gelatin aduk hgga larut dan masukan milk choco dan aduk hgga coklat cair. jaga ttp hangat kuku.
- Mixer whipe ceam&masukan cream ke dlm coklat sdikit2.
- Lalu masukan mousse kdlm loyang&simpan dfreezer.
- Kemudian bikin white mousse'a dgn step sama seperti milk mousse y.. saya kasih gambar'a saja.
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- Kmudian bikin stawberry mousse'a sama dgn step2 mousse sblm'a.
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- Stelah slsai smua step masukan dlm freezer hingga mousse set.
- Jika sudah set buka loyang dan hias sesuai selera.
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- Selamat mencoba y😉.
It's made with a chocolate cake base, cool creamy mousse filling, and topped with rich dark chocolate ganache. Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake is for all the chocolate lovers. A light sponge cake is topped with a silky smooth, rich mousse and topped with ganache. Chocolate Mousse was one of the very first recipes I tried to make, way back when I was a middle schooler. This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, chocolaty and decadent, hard not to fall in love with it from the first bite.
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