And it tastes even better than it looks.
A crunchy Oreo crust topped with silky, smooth chocolate mousse and.
This intensely moist and fudgy cake is filled with chocolate mousse and fresh raspberries, then iced with rich chocolate frosting.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate mousse cake
- Bahan Cake :.
- 2 telor.
- 1/2 cup mentega.
- 3/4 gula halus.
- 1 sdt vanila.
- 1 sdt espresso bubuk.
- Bahan kering :.
- 1 cup terigu + 2 sdt trigu.
- 1/2 cup coklat bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt garam.
- 1/2 sdt baking soda.
- Bahan basah :.
- 1/2 cup sour cream.
- 1/4 cup susu.
- Bahan ganache :.
- 3/4 cup whipcream cair.
- 145 gr coklat blok.
- Bahan Mousse :.
- 1 ltr whipcream cair.
- 1/3 cup coklat bubuk.
- 1/3 cup maizena.
- 125 gr coklat blok.
- 1 cup gula.
- 1/2 sdt agar2 bubuk.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate mousse cake
- Cara membuat : campur bahan kering yg buat cake, trus kocok telur dg mentega sampe gula larut, masukkan bahan kering dan aduk,masukkan bahan basah juga,terakhir oven selama 35 menit ato matang,dinginkan dan belah 2..
- 1 belahan masukkan wadah dg ukuran yg sama, siram dg air simple sirup ato susu cari agar kue lbh lembab sisihkan.
- Bahan mousse campur jadi satu dan masak diatas kompir aduk2 sampe matang dan mengental sisihkan, hilangkan uap panasnya dan siram diatas kuenya, masukkan kulkas biar set.
- Bahan ganache : potong kecil2 coklat dan tim sampe agak cair, panaskan wipcream sampe hangat dan campur aduk jd satu siramkan diatas kue ato kocok sampe kaku dan buat sbg penghias kue..
Eggless Chocolate Mousse Cake with an eggless cake topped with a light chocolate mousse and finished with a chocolate ganache. This is a chocolate lovers dream and a perfect treat to make for. Recipe courtesy of Marcel DeSaulniers and Marcel Desaulniers. Grated chocolate, cookie crumbs or chopped nuts for coating the sides of cake, if desired. Mary Berry's rich, indulgent chocolate mousse cake is fit for a celebration and makes a stunning centrepiece.
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