A light sponge cake is topped with a Chocolate Mousse was one of the very first recipes I tried to make, way back when I was a middle.
This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, smooth, creamy and full of flavor.
It features layer of chocolate souffle cake, rich chocolate mousse and white chocolate mousse on top.
Bahan Membuat Triple chocolate mousse
- 200 gr oreo crumb (biskuit oreo).
- 60 gr margarin/ mentega yg dilelehkan.
- Layer mousse dark chocolate.
- 90 gr dark chocolate.
- 60 gr whip cream cair.
- 80 gr whip cream.
- Layer mousse milk chocolate.
- 90 gr milk chocolate.
- 60 gr whip cream cair.
- 80 gr whip cream.
- Layer mousse white chocolate.
- 90 gr white chocolate.
- 60 gr whip cream cair.
- 80 gr whip cream.
- 1/2 sdt madu.
- 1/2 sdt vanila paste kalo gak ad skip aj gpp.
- Topping.
- sesuai selera Coklat bubuk,chocolate ganache,strawberry.
Langkah Memasak Triple chocolate mousse
- Hancurkan biskuit oreo sampai agak halus lalu campurkan dengan margarin yang sdh dilelehkan, aduk rata. Tata pada cup dan padatkan..
- Untuk membuat mousse dark chocolate cincang dark chocolate lalu masukkan ke dalam mangkuk tuangkan 60gr whipcream cair lalu microwave selama 1 menit. Aduk dan sisihkan.
- Mixer sebentar whip cream (80gr) lalu campurkan coklat yg sudah dlelehkan,aduk rata. Tuang ke dalam cup yg sdh berisi layer oreo crumb. Dinginkan di dalam kulkas sebentar sampai set..
- Untuk layer milk chocolate ulangi langkah 2 (sama seperti membuat layer mousse dark chocolate).
- Untuk layer white chocolate, tahapannya sama cuma dtambah madu aduk rata dan tuang ke dalam cup. Hias sesuai selera lalu dinginkan min 4 jam atau semalaman..
These triple chocolate mousse recipe is the dream of every chocolate lover. No eggs and no difficult techniques. This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, chocolaty and decadent, hard not to fall in love with it from the first bite. Three airy layers of chocolate goodness on top of an oreo crust, is simply hard to resist. This Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake from Delish.com is insane.
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