And it tastes even better than it looks.
A crunchy Oreo crust topped with silky, smooth chocolate mousse and.
This intensely moist and fudgy cake is filled with chocolate mousse and fresh raspberries, then iced with rich chocolate frosting.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Bottom.
- 50 g biscuits.
- 50 g dccc.
- Choco mousse.
- 6 g bubuk teh.
- 30 g air panas.
- 10 g air dingin +4g gelatin.
- 100 g dcc.
- 100 ml susu cair.
- 120 g whipped cream.
- Bahan whipped cream.
- 175 g whipp cream cair.
- 10 g gula halus.
- White choco mousse.
- 5 g air+2g gelatin.
- 50 g susu cairl.
- 1 sdt vanilla extract.
- 40 g white choco.
- Sisa whipped cream.
- Glacage.
- 5 g air +1 g gelatin.
- 20 g air.
- 35 gula halus.
- 12 g cocoa powder.
- 25 g whip cream cair.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Siapkan bahan2.
- Membuat bottom, hancurkan biscuits dengan prosesor, leleh kan coklat campurkan lelehan coklat dengan biscuits..
- Tata dalam loyang 15 cm dengan spatula..
- Membuat Choco mousse: Satukan gelatin Dan air, masak air susu Dan bubuk teh hingga gelembung kecil keluar matikan api, masukan gelatin。.
- Saring masukan Dan saring bubuk teh. ke dalam coklat..
- Membuat whipped cream satu kan dengan gula mixer hingga kaku tambahkan whipped cream ke dalam coklat aduk rata, masukan dalam loyang, diamkan selama 1jam di kulkas.
- Hangat kan susu cair dalam microwave/ oven siRam Dan lelehkan white choco, tambahkan vanilla extrax,Dan gelatin. Tambahkan whipped cream aduk rata. Diamkan semalaman..
- Membuat glacage, gelatin satukan dengan air,, masukan semua bahan,dalam panci masak dengan api kecil matikan api, siRam di atas cake, diamkan di kulkas selama 1 jam.
- Diamkan di kulkas 30 menit siap di sajikan..
Eggless Chocolate Mousse Cake with an eggless cake topped with a light chocolate mousse and finished with a chocolate ganache. This is a chocolate lovers dream and a perfect treat to make for. Recipe courtesy of Marcel DeSaulniers and Marcel Desaulniers. Grated chocolate, cookie crumbs or chopped nuts for coating the sides of cake, if desired. Mary Berry's rich, indulgent chocolate mousse cake is fit for a celebration and makes a stunning centrepiece.
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