While this fancy French dessert might seem like the kind of dish you'd only be able to enjoy if you were at a high-end restaurant, chocolate mousse is easily achievable right in your own kitchen.
Don't be intimidated—if you've ever heated milk on the stove to make a cup of hot chocolate, you'll find the.
Chocolate Mousse Cakes combine a moist and dense flourless chocolate with a rich and creamy chocolate mousse.
Bahan Membuat A Cup of Chocolate Mousse
- 180 gram Dark Compound Chocolate.
- 2 gram Gelatin.
- 120 ml Susu Cair Sapi.
- 360 ml Krim Kocok (Whipped Cream).
Langkah Memasak A Cup of Chocolate Mousse
- Lelehkan DCC, sisihkan..
- Campur gelatin dan susu cair, biarkan lebih kurang 5 menit. Panaskan hingga terasa hangat, matikan api..
- Campur DCC cair dan campuran susu hangat. Aduk hingga menyatu. Biarkan dingin..
- Tuang campuran DCC ke dalam whip krim yang telah dikocok kaku. Aduk rata..
- Tuang adonan mousse ke dalam cangkir atau ramekin. Masukkan ke dalam lemari es minimal 1 jam..
- Selamat menikmatii... :).
This chocolate dessert is sure to get rave reviews. Then add in the sugar a little at a time while beating. Meanwhile, you'll need to heat up a cup of heavy whipping cream in a sauce pan. This Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Mousse Filling belongs in a baking contest! It's a simply amazing moist chocolate cake filled with dark chocolate mousse, and a warm chocolate frosting poured on top!
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