Chocolate Mousse. featured in Garlic Shrimp Alfredo Dinner For Two.
Whisk the chocolate and hot cream in a separate bowl until smooth, then fold in the mixture into the cream with a spatula until no.
Chocolate mousse is the decidedly decadent, old-school dessert you've been overlooking for far This chocolate mousse is the fastest, fanciest dessert I know, and the results are so creamy, rich.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate mousse
- 120 gr dark cooking chocolate.
- 28 gr unsalted butter.
- 2 tbsp espresso or kopi instan.
- 2 butir telur.
- 1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar ( saya skip ).
- 60 gram white sugar ( lbh bagus kalau gula halus ).
- 1/2 tbsp vanilli.
- 120 ml heavy whip cream.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate mousse
- kocok whip cream sampai soft peak sisihkan . kemudian kocok putih telur + gula + vanili sampai soft peak juga. wadah dan alat pengocok putih telur harus benar benar bersih kalau tidak telur tidak akan mengembang sempurna..
- lelehkan coklat dan butter sampai benar benar lumer, angkat. campurkan dengan kuning telur, aduk sampai tercampur rata, masukkan espresso..
- sesudah itu campurkan adonan coklat dengan adonan putih telur sampai rata, kemudian tambahkan whipped cream tadi , aduk sampai rata. tuang/bagi ke dalam bbrp cup..
- simpan di kulkas minimal 5 jam hingga agak mengeras. siapp disantap. kalau saya krn udah gak sabar , baru 2 jam di chiller udah abis 1 cup.
The techniques for making the egg yolk-enriched filling, then folding in stiffly-beaten cream take no more than a little care. Dark chocolate and espresso add the slightly bitter notes needed to balance this easy chocolate mousse recipe. This easy Chocolate Mousse recipe is super simple to make from scratch and deliciously light and fluffy. It's fancy enough for a party but easy enough to make whenever you have a craving for. The idea of avocado chocolate mousse has been popular on the health food scene for years, but some of the recipes out there are unfortunately so.
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