Instant Chocolate Mousse Recipe - Ingredients Recipe Source : Nigella Lawson.
The mousse was intense and chocolatey perfect as a dessert after a meal.
Gradually pour the chocolate-oil mixture into the beaten yolks and fold to mix completely.
Bahan Membuat chocolate mousse nigella lawson
- 150 gr marsmellow.
- 250 gr dcc.
- 50 gr butter.
- 4 sdm air putih.
- 234 ml whip cream.
- secukupnya vanila essense.
Langkah Memasak chocolate mousse nigella lawson
- Siapkan sauce pan, masukkan marsmellow,butter,dcc dan air. Panaskan dg api kecil smbl diaduk.
- Setelah semua larut matikan api,biarkan dingin.
- Kocok whipcream dan vanila essense.
- Campurkan adonan coklat dan whipcream,aduk rata. Tuang dalam wadah dan dinginkan dlm kulkas.
- Siap dinikmati.
- .
Recently I'm crazily in love with Nigella Lawson… hahaa. I really love her easy and delicious recipes that I've bookmarked many of them. Easy Chocolate Mousse by Nigella Lawson from Nigella Express. Gently fold in remaining whites, being careful not to let the mixture deflate. Chocolate Mousse Recipe Homemade Chocolate Chocolate Desserts Nigella Lawson Chocolate Mousse Just Desserts Delicious Desserts Dessert two ingredient chocolate mousse - Eat, Live, Run.
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