This triple chocolate mousse cake is rich, chocolaty and For this cake it is essential to use good quality chocolate as it is the main ingredient of the recipe.
If you don't like oreo cookie crust feel free to use.
Chocolate Mousse Cake is every chocolate lover's dream!
Bahan Membuat Chocolate oreo mousse cake (no bake)
- 2 bungkus oreo.
- 70 gr mentega.
- 400 ml whipp cream cair.
- 400 gr dark cooking chocolate.
- 7 gr gelatin.
- 100 ml whipp cream cair.
- 100 gr white cooking chocolate.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate oreo mousse cake (no bake)
- Lapisan 1: Lelehkan mentega..sisihkan hingga dingin.. Hancurkan oreo sampai halus dgn memasukkan ny kedlm plastik bag..kemudian aduk sampai rata dengan mentega cair.masukkan ke loyang tanpa dasar..tekan2 sampai padat dan rata..simpan di kulkas minimal 30menit..
- Lapisan 2: Panaskan whipp cream hanya sampai keluar gelembung2 kecil di tepian panci nya..matikan api..masukkan dcc..aduk sampai dcc cair..tunggu agak hangat baru masukkan gelatin.aduk rata. Tuang di atas loyang yg berisikan oreo td..diamkan minimal 4 jam..
- Lapisan 3: Masak lg whipp cream sampai keluar gelembung2 kecil seperti langkah sebelumnya..matikan api.masukkan wcc..aduk rata..tuang ke dalam loyang berisikan oreo dan lapisan 2..diamkan semalaman..disajikan dingin lebih nikmat..😊😊.
Specially when they uses my favourites like chocolate, oreo, butter, cream, i know it is going to be divine. This recipe came from my imagination. Because after i made my chocolate mousse, i have quite a bit of them leftover. This Chocolate Oreo Cake recipe is to die for! A moist chocolate cake recipe full of Oreo icing and crushed up Oreos.
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