Choco mouse pudding There's no chia seed texture, just a classic creamy mousse consistency. Chocolate mousse that tastes like something from a restaurant, with the ease of instant pudding! Tastes OK for kids, but instant pudding and cool whip isn't a recipe.

Bahan Membuat Choco mouse pudding

  1. 400 ml susu cair plain (saya pake merk diamond yg fresh milk).
  2. 50 gram gula pasir.
  3. 2 sdt agar2.
  4. 100 gram dcc dicincang dan dtim.
  5. 2 butir kuning telur dkocok lepas.
  6. 100 gram whipped cream bubuk (saya pake merk haan).
  7. 200 ml air es.

Langkah Memasak Choco mouse pudding

  1. Campur whipcream bubuk dgn air ea.. kocok cepat dgn mixer sampe kaku.. sisihkan simpan dlemari es.
  2. Masak susu cair+gula pasir+agar"+coklat bubuk sambil diaduk sampe mendidih matikan api.
  3. Dcampur adonan agar dgn coklat dcc yg sdh dtim. Aduk rata.
  4. Campurkan 1sendok sayur adonan dgn kuning telur.. masukan dlm panci lagi.nyalakan kembali biarkan mendidih sambil dikocek2 supaya adonan tdk pecah.
  5. Matikan api,biarkan agak hangat.. masukan ke adonan whip cream yg sdh dkocok tadi.. aduk rata.. cetak d cetakan pudding.. masukan kulkas.
  6. Hias dgn whip cream dbubuhi coklat bubuk...

Garnish with choco chips and coco powder sprinkled. I loved the pudding too as it was silky @mitha : I havent tried chocolate mousse but choc pudding and choco mousse are different esp in the. When I was asked to help raise awareness and get the word out about National Diabetes Month—which takes place every November—I immediately wanted to help. Eggless chocolate mousse - it has nice light, airy and smooth texture. It is very chocolaty and perfect for chocolate lovers.

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