It's fancy enough for a party but easy enough to make whenever you have a craving for.
Chocolate cake with coffee mousse, biscuit, chocolate ganache close up Delicious orange jelly with chocolate mousse and biscuit coating with white chocolate topping in plastc cup.
But fruit and chocolate mousses are favorite desserts—for good reason.
Bahan Membuat Mousse chocolate biscuit
- 1 blok dcc + 1 blok white baking chocolate,lelehkan.
- 100 gr whipped cream bubuk + 200 ml susu dingin,kocok.
- 2 sdt agar bubuk plain, + 4 sdm air, aduk biarkan mengeras.
- 60 ml susu.
Langkah Memasak Mousse chocolate biscuit
- Hangatkan susu kemudian tuang agar, aduk hingga tercampur..
- Tuang coklat yg telah leleh,aduk rata..
- Masukkan ke dalam whipped cream. Aduk rata, masukkan dalam kulkas..
- Karena di dirumah ada biskuit nganggur,akhirny saya remuk biskuit dicampur dengan mousse choclate. Bisa juga dioleskan diantara biskuit dan dioleskan di roti sobek..
Chocolate biscuit, pineapple confit and white chocolate mousse with pistachio. Eggless chocolate mousse - it has nice light, airy and smooth texture, perfect for chocolate lovers. You won't believe that this chocolate mousse is made without eggs. Try it once, you will sure love it. When I was a kid, chocolate mousse seemed like one of the fanciest desserts I could imagine.
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