Chocolate Mousse. featured in Garlic Shrimp Alfredo Dinner For Two.
Whisk the chocolate and hot cream in a separate bowl until smooth, then fold in the mixture into the cream with a spatula until no.
Chocolate mousse is the decidedly decadent, old-school dessert you've been overlooking for far This chocolate mousse is the fastest, fanciest dessert I know, and the results are so creamy, rich.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Mouse
- 300 gram dark chocolate.
- 3 butir telur.
- 55 gram gula.
- 1 sendok makan cocoa powder.
- 300 ml cream.
- 10 buah strawberry belah dua bagian (bisa memakai whipped dan coklat serut jika tidak menyukai strawberry).
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Mouse
- Lumerkan coklat dengan menggunakan metode double steam atau di microwave pilihan melt, sisihkan.
- Kocok telur bersama gula dengan mixer sampai adonan mengembang.
- Tuangkan cocoa powder dan coklat lumer kemudian aduk rata.
- Ambil Mangkok besar kosong tuangkan cream dan mixer sampai mengental..
- Gunakan sendok metal besar tuang cream ke adonan coklat dan aduk rata..
- Tuangkan ke dalam gelas atau wadah plastik bening dan simpan dalam lemari es selama 1 jam.
- Setelah 1 jam hiasi dengan topping sesuai selera sebelum di sajikan..
But fruit and chocolate mousses are favorite desserts—for good reason. The techniques for making the egg yolk-enriched filling, then folding in stiffly-beaten cream take no more than a little care. Now, there are chocolate mousse recipes that simply involve folding whipped cream into melted chocolate. Dark chocolate and espresso add the slightly bitter notes needed to balance this easy chocolate mousse recipe. This easy Chocolate Mousse recipe is super simple to make from scratch and deliciously light and fluffy.
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