Can be piped into individual cups before chilling and garnished with cocoa, whipped cream, or chocolate curls before serving.
This vegan chocolate mousse is creamy, rich, and light.
It's also raw, paleo, and really easy to make.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Mousse ala Rantie
- Bahan Utama:.
- 2 kaleng skm coklat, sy pake indomilk.
- 2 sdm coklat bubuk, sy pake van houten.
- 1 bks agarasa coklat.
- 4 btr telur.
- 1 liter / kurleb 3 kaleng skm air.
- Bahan Pelengkap:.
- Whip cream.
- secukupnya Coklat Bubuk.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Mousse ala Rantie
- Siapkan bahan2..
- Kocok skm + telur hingga rata, agak berbuih. (*Boleh dimixer sebentar atau juga pakai whisk).
- Didihkan air + agarasa + Coklat Bubuk..
- Kecilkan ke api sedang, masukan kocokan telur+skm perlahan2 sambil terus diaduk menggunakan whisk agar tidak ada gumpalan bahkan gosong (hihi, pengalaman).
- Masak kembali hingga ada sedikit letupan,.
- Angkat dan tuang ke wadah, kemudian dinginkan.
- Mixer whipcream hingga kaku, kemudian tata di atas mousse yg sudah dingin lalu taburi coklat bubuk sesuai selera.
- Chocomousse siap dinikmati dalam keadaan dingin..
- .
There's something about mousse recipes that you may have noticed - they're all extremely different from one another. Some use whole eggs, some use egg whites only, and some don't use eggs Once folded into the chocolate mixture, the mousse should be soft, silky, smooth, and utterly delightful! Today, mousse au chocolat is commonly decorated with flakes or chunks of chocolate on top, adding contrast to the flavor and smooth texture of the mousse. Mint leaves, cream, raspberries, or strawberries are also commonly used as eye-catching and delicious decorations for this classic. Not only can this Dark Chocolate Mousse be ready for you in mere minutes, it also uses nothing but ingredients that you probably have all the time in your fridge and cupboards.
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