The best way to celebrate any milestone is with a triple chocolate cake: Brownie Bottom Chocolate Mousse Cake with chocolate whipped cream.
These chewy/fudgy brownies are topped with an easy, egg-free chocolate mousse for a rich chocolate dessert.
Valentine's Day is just around the corner!
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Brownie Mousse
- 2 potong Chocolate Brownies.
- 100 gr Blueberry.
- 90 gr Hershe's semi sweet chocolate chips.
- 125 ml Pauls thickened cream(dingin).
- 200 gr Keju krim (saya pakai Tatura dari Bega Cream cheese).
- 1/2 sdt Vanilla extract.
- 100 gr Gula halus.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Brownie Mousse
- Potong dadu brownies, sisihkan.
- Cairkan coklat dengan cara double boil,aduk rata dan biarkan sampai dingin. Sisihkan.
- Kocok heavy cream sampai kaku.sisihkan.
- Kocok keju krim,gula halus dan Vanilla extract sampai lembut dan tercampur rata.
- Masukan heavy cream ke dalam adonan keju krim,kocok perlahan sampai rata.
- Masukan Coklat cair,kocok lagi sampai tercampur rata..
- Siapkan gelas kecil,sendokan Mousse coklat lalu masukan potongan brownies dan blueberry, lalu timpa lagi mousse coklat sampai agak penuh.simpan dalam lemari es selama 2 jam.keluarkan dan letakan blueberry di atasnya lalu hias.Chocolate Brownie Mousse siap untuk di hidangkan.nyam nyam nyam....yummy.
Brownie-Bottom Triple Chocolate Mousse - Oreo-flavored brownie, dark chocolate mousse, milk chocolate mousse and white chocolate vanilla mousse. My friends call this dessert "Death by. Serve in goblets topped with more whipped cream and shaved. Flourless Chocolate Mousse Brownies are easy to make and decadently DELICIOUS with a fudgy brownie base, creamy light chocolate mousse filling and a rich chocolate topping. · This Brownie Bottom Chocolate Mousse Cake is a rich fudgy brownie is topped with a decadent dark chocolate cheesecake mousse. This post is sponsored by Annie's Homegrown as part of their.
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