Choco Mousse Crunchy Pie (No Bake) It's all about the layers with this No-Bake Oreo Chocolate Mousse Pie. The thick Oreo crust is filled with a quick chocolate mousse, followed by a Several months ago I made a Nutter Butter Mousse Pie after being so completely obsessed with my No-Bake Brookie Icebox Cake. I felt like I needed a.

Bahan Membuat Choco Mousse Crunchy Pie (No Bake)

  1. 1 bungkus Whipped Cream bubuk (Aku pakai haan size kecil).
  2. 250 gr DCC (Aku pake merk colatta).
  3. 1 bungkus biskuit Marie Roma Kelapa.
  4. 10 sdm Mentega Cair.
  5. 2 gelas Air dingin.
  6. Topping:.
  7. 2 bungkus beng-beng (Potong-potong).
  8. 1 buah Strawberry.
  9. Secukupnya Sprinkle.

Langkah Memasak Choco Mousse Crunchy Pie (No Bake)

  1. Hancurkan biskuit sampai halus, boleh menggunakan blender atau di tumbuk.
  2. Campurkan biskuit yg telah halus dengan mentega cair.
  3. Lalu bentuk ke dalam cetakan aluminium foil, tekan-tekan agar padat, lalu simpan di freezer.
  4. Lelehkan coklat dengan cara di tim, lalu diamkan agar panasnya hilang.
  5. Buat whipped cream dengan mencampurkan 2 gelas kecil air dingin dengan bubuk whipped cream lalu mixer hingga mengembang.
  6. Campurkan whipped cream dengan coklat yg telah di lelehkan, lalu aduk rata.
  7. Tuang adonan whip cream dan coklat ke atas crust pie.
  8. Hias dengan potongan beng-beng dan strawberry lalu taburi sprinkle.
  9. Simpan di freezer agar set selama kurang lebih 15 menit.

Can't beat that - irresistibly delicious pie that is oh so. This pie is not only a no-bake pie, but it's both light and rich at the same time. Plus the crust is made front those delicious sugar wafer cookies…you know.the ones you ate as a kid that are thin and crispy and filled with delicious cream…I don't know what has taken me so long to. I love this simple, but delicious chocolate mousse. I like to add homemade almond croquant for a nice crunch, but the recipe is very versatile and you can adjust it to Lemon Meringue Ice Cream (No Machine).

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