Add egg yolk mixture into saucepan with remaining hot cream and whisk to combine.
This super moist dark chocolate mousse cake combines unsweetened natural cocoa powder and dark cocoa powder for an extra rich flavor.
Fill the cake with a simplified chocolate mousse and cover the whole dessert with semi-sweet chocolate ganache.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Mousse Cake
- 1 liter susu cair.
- 100 ml heavy cream.
- 50 g bubuk coklat.
- 50 g tepung maizena.
- 150 g gula.
- 300 g dark coklat.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Mousse Cake
- Sediakan sebuah wadah.
- Masukan susu cair, heavy cream, bubuk coklat, tepung maizena, dan gula ke dalam wadah.
- Aduh bahan bahan yang sudah dicampurkan sampai merata.
- Sediakan panci, tuang adonan kedalam panci dan panaskan.
- Aduk adonan sampai hampir mendidih, lalu tambahkan dark coklat.
- Aduk sampai adonan mengental, matikan api, dan tuangkan adonan kedalam loyang atau cetakan yang sudah disediakan.
- Dinginkan adonan sekitar 4jam di dalam frezzer.
- Silakan menikmati Chocolate Mousse Cake.
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Since my birthday was coming up, I finally ended up settling on this Chocolate Mousse Cake. And it was an awesome decision. This cake is moist and intensely chocolaty. It's topped with a super rich and creamy chocolate mousse for the ultimate chocolate dessert! And all of that chocolate in one little piece of cake meant a very happy birthday.
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