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Chocolate Mousse. featured in Garlic Shrimp Alfredo Dinner For Two.
With chocolate mousse this good and easy, you can give your guests a delicious start row of chocolate mousse plated on silver spoons.
Bahan Membuat Chocolatte mousse yummy
- 1 liter susu UHT.
- 100 ml whip cream cair ya bukan bubuk. Me : rich's heavy cream.
- 50 gram cokelat bubuk.
- 50 gram tepung maizena.
- 150 gram gula.
- 300 gram dark cokelat blok lalu iris halus.
Langkah Memasak Chocolatte mousse yummy
- Masukan semua bahan ke panci kecuali cokelat blok ya.
- Aduk hingga rata dan setengah mendidih.
- Lalu Masukan cokelat blok aduk terus agar cokelat bagian bawah tidak gosong.
- Apabila cokelat sudah agak mengental angkat dan pindahkan ke wadah yang sudah disediakan.
- Anginkan tunggu dingin masukan ke freezer 2 jam lalu pindahkan ke bagian kulkas biasa.
- Siap dinikmati 😊.
It's fancy enough for a party but easy enough to make whenever you have a craving for chocolate! This delicious Chocolate Mousse has a rich chocolate flavor and is light and airy with a velvety smooth texture. When I was a kid, chocolate mousse seemed like one of the fanciest desserts I could imagine. I can only remember a couple of instances during my childhood that mousse was placed in front of me. This sinfully healthy Avocado Chocolate Mousse is rich and so silky smooth… and you The best part about this avocado chocolate mousse is that it tastes so decadent and so.
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