Mousses are classic French recipes, often made as savory dishes filled with puréed fish, meat, or vegetables.
But fruit and chocolate mousses are favorite desserts—for good reason.
Mousse is the French word for "foam." So a culinary mousse is a preparation of food that results in a light and airy, creamy, foam-like texture.
Bahan Membuat Choco Mousse
- 5 gr gelatin.
- 90 gr DCC.
- 50 ml susu cair putih.
- 10 gr coklat bubuk.
- 1 sdm gula pasir.
- 100 gr whipe cream bubuk.
- 200 ml air es dingin.
Langkah Memasak Choco Mousse
- Melarutkan gelatin : 5 gr gelatin bubuk ditambah 2 sdm air suhu ruang,aduk rata biarkan hingga mengembang sekitar 2 menit.Masukkan mangkok berisi gelatin ke mangkok yg lebih besar yg sudah diisi air panas,aduk gelatin hingga cair.Sisihkan..
- Tim DCC dengan susu cair,biarkan hingga hangat..
- Tuang larutan gelatin ke dalam DCC sambil aduk rata,sisihkan..
- Kocok whipe cream dg 200 ml air es dingin hingga kaku,tambahkan gula pasir,kocok lagi sebentar..
- Masukkan campuran DCC tadi ke dalam adonan whipe cream dan pastikan DCC sudah dingin.Kocok lagi sebentar hingga rata.Tambahkan coklat bubuk,kocok sebentar saja.
- Masukkan choco mousse ke dalam piping bag/plastik segitiga.Lalu tuang ke cup.Simpan dalam kulkas.Sajikan dalam kondisi dingin lebih enak..
Monter en neige de l'eau de cuisson de pois chiches à la place des œufs. Choco Mousse - Free download as Word Doc (.doc /.docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Desc: Light the stage, this cookie is ready to give their They learned all of their moves from their father Whipped Cream, with extra flair from their mother White Choco. Choco mousse is the kids favorite dessert, it can be made so yummy and chocolaty with few ingredients such as milk, gelatin crystals and dark chocolate. Looking for a yummy chocolate mousse with Greek Yogurt?
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