Then pour the rest of the cold milk and mix.
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Bahan Membuat Chocolate mousse pudding
- 175 gr DCC.
- 2 sdm fibre cream.
- 80 gr gula pasir.
- 20 gr bubuk galantin.
- 30 gr maizena.
- 600 ml air.
- 1/4 sdt vanili bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt rhum.
- 1/4 sdt garam.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate mousse pudding
- Siapkan panci. Masukkan gelatin, gula pasir, DCC, maizena, fibre cream dan air. Aduk rata. Setelah rata baru nyalakan kompor. Aduk hingga mendidih dan berbuih..
- Masukkan garam dan rhum. Aduk rata dan matikan kompor. Tuang ke dalam loyang. Biarkan uap panas hilang dan agak dingin baru masukkan ke dalam kulkas hingga set. Keesokan harinya sudah dingin dan padat. Aku potong dan rasanya, kenyal dan enak, nyoklat dan teksturnya lembut. Selamat mencoba ya happy cooking..
Originally, this chocolate mousse recipe came from PCRM's Cancer Project Food for Life classes If I want a pudding-like texture, I choose the shelf-stable firm tofu. For a thicker mousse-like or pie. This chocolate mousse is a great way to impress your sweetheart, because it looks really fancy and complicated, but it's actually amazingly easy to make. The secret is instant chocolate pudding mix. When I was a kid, chocolate mousse seemed like one of the fanciest desserts I could imagine.
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