It's fancy enough for a party but easy enough to make whenever you have a craving for.
So airy & light, with a rich, deep chocolate flavor.
Fancy, yet so quick & simple!
Bahan Membuat Easy Chocolate Mousse
- 250 ml whip cream cair (dingin).
- 1/2 cup belgian cooking chocolate (me: callebaut no 811 & 823).
- 1 sdt bubuk gelatin.
- 1 sdm air es.
- 2 sdm air mendidih.
- 1/2 sdt vanilla/perisa bakar (opsional).
Langkah Memasak Easy Chocolate Mousse
- Dalam mangkuk kecil, taburkan gelatin ke dalam 1 sdm air es. Diamkan selama 1 menit. Kemudian tambahkan 2 sdm air mendidih, larutkan dan sisihkan.
- Kocok whip cream cair dingin dengan mixer kecepatan tinggi hingga kaku.
- Lelehkan cokelat masak, kemudian masukkan ke dalam whipped cream, aduk balik dengan spatula secara merata.
- Masukkan vanila dan gelatin, aduk rata.
- Tuangkan mousse ke dalam gelas-gelas saji, dinginkan dalam kulkas minimal 1 jam.
A great way to make chocolate mousse without raw egg whites! This Easy Chocolate Mousse gets bonus points for being extremely easy to prepare! Vegan Chocolate Mousse like you've never had before. Chocolate Mousse Pie is out of this world decadently delicious and it's sure to wow the crowd this Thanksgiving! Learn how to make chocolate mousse quickly and easily.
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