Chocolate Mousse Cake made with three layers of moist chocolate cake and two layers of smooth chocolate mousse, all covered in chocolate whipped cream!
This Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Mousse Filling belongs in a baking contest!
It's a simply amazing moist chocolate cake filled with dark chocolate mousse, and a warm chocolate frosting poured on top!
Bahan Membuat Chocolate terrine mousse cake
- 250 ml heavy cream.
- 100 ml susu cair.
- 150 gram kental manis (me: pakai 4sachet. putih 2, coklat 2).
- 50 gram coklat bubuk (me : 2 sdm).
- 10 gram tepung meizena.
- 1 bks cadbury dairy milk (65gram. Diresep asli gak pakai).
- 125 gram dcc (me : 100gram dcc).
- 1 bks agar-agar bubuk.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate terrine mousse cake
- Untuk menghemat cucian saya langsung masukan saya semua bahan2 dipanci 😁 Aduk-aduk dulu biar tdk menggumpal. Laku masukan coklat. Nyalakan api sedang cenderung kecil.
- Setelah diaduk-aduk terus. Nanti akan mengental dan menjadi aga sedikit berat. Setelah itu pidahkan kedalam cetakan yg sudah dilapisi kertas roti. Klo dirasa adonan msh ada yg menggerindil bisa di saring dulu. Tp saya sih nggak ada, jd langsung masuk aja ke cetakan. Dinginkan disuhu ruang sampe uang panas menghilanag. Setelah dingin, masukan kulkas. Diamkan min 6jam..
- Hidangkan. Dengan ditaburkan coklat bubuk.
Bikinnya simpel, bahannya nya jg lumayan gampang dicari. Apa lg klo kemarin udh ada yg nyoba bikin chocolate ala st*rbucks, pasti heavy creamnya sisa bnyk doooong. yuk dicobain bikin ini. To serve, turn the terrine out of the mold and unwrap it. Spoon a puddle of Orange Sauce in the middle of each dessert plate and place a slice of the terrine in the middle. These individual Chocolate Mousse Cakes take small rounds of a moist and dense flourless chocolate cake and tops them with a swirl of chocolate mousse.
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