While this fancy French dessert might seem like the kind of dish you'd only be able to enjoy if you were at a high-end restaurant, chocolate mousse is easily achievable right in your own kitchen.
Don't be intimidatedโif you've ever heated milk on the stove to make a cup of hot chocolate, you'll find the basic cooking principles for chocolate mousse to be very similar.
Chocolate mousse has very few ingredients so it's important to use the best quality chocolate โ its flavor will shine through.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Mousse
- Coklat.
- Marshmallow.
- Susu cair full cream.
- Kue coklat (lebih enak sih kalau pakai brownis).
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Mousse
- Cairkan marahmallow dan susu.
- Masukkan coklat kedalam marshmallow dan susu. Aduk sampai larut!!.
- Siapkan tempat. Bisa mangkuk atau gelas. Isi dengan kue..
- Tuang coklatnya diatas kue. Beri tambahan marshmallow (kalau suka) Simpan dalam kulkas kurleb 1-2 jam..
- Taburi coklat bubuk/rasa lainnya. Jadi deh! (Maapkeun fotonya. Udah dimakan bocah duluan) ๐ ๐ .
Whisk together yolks, sugar, and a pinch of salt in a metal bowl until combined well, then add hot cream in a slow stream. This chocolate mousse recipe is no different. The flavor is deep and rich, and the recipe itself couldn't be quicker or easier to make. The word "mousse" is French for foam, and that's a pretty good way to describe this dessert! Chocolate mousse is the ultimate dessert for any chocolate lover.
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