There's something about mousse recipes that you may have noticed - they're all Mousse means foam in French, which implies the airy texture this dessert should have.
That's why we either whip cream or egg whites to. no-bake chocolate mousse that can be made without eggs.
A great chocolate mousse recipe that My No-Bake Chocolate Mousse is as easy as it gets.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate mousse simple (no baked)
- 200 gram whipped cream.
- 300 ml air dingin.
- 100 ml susu uht dingin.
- 4 sachet drink beng beng.
- 15 keping cracker (Regal atau merk lain).
- 100 ml susu kental manis coklat.
- 1 sachet drink beng beng untuk taburan.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate mousse simple (no baked)
- Kocok whipped cream dengan air dingin, lalu susu uht dingin hingga rata dan mengental, setelah rata masukan bubuk drink beng beng secara bertahap dengan kecepatan mixer low.
- Haluskan cracker/biscuit dan mixed dengan susu kental manis, hingga semua Tercampur rata..
- Siap kan loyang aluminium, aku pakai loyang aluminium kecil untuk pie, bisa pakai loyang aluminium ukuran lain..
- Bentuk bulat bulat adonan biscuit, taruh di loyang dan ratakan.
- Tuang adonan whipped cream ke loyang,yang sudah ada adonan biscuit nya. Dan terakhir taburin bubuk drink beng beng, biar makin kerasa chocolate nya, masukan dalam kulkas sajikan dingin. Nyamm nyammm.
And honestly, I get it: Classic chocolate mousse is a little fussy and This chocolate mousse is the fastest, fanciest dessert I know, and the results are so creamy, rich, and perfectly sweet that we're. Italian chocolate-filled sandwich cookies make a crust reminiscent of a Kit Kat bar; you can also use chocolate wafer cookies. Carefully peel the plastic wrap off the crust and scrape the mousse into the pan, gently spreading it to the edges. Ethereal and ready to melt in your mouth, chocolate mousse bars are easy to make and even easier to eat. With so few ingredients, it's important to use a chocolate you would be perfectly happy to snack out of hand.
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