Pull this recipe together with four simple ingredients: eggs, cream, sugar and semisweet baking chocolate.
The only trick, if you can call it that, is taking care when combining.
Chocolate mousse is the decidedly decadent, old-school dessert you've been overlooking for far Our (equally-delicious) version is far less complicated: It uses a simple ganache for decadence This easy chocolate mousse makes the most of its two ingredients by using the cream three different ways.
Bahan Membuat Simple Chocolate Mousse - 3 Bahan
- 100 ml Whipped Cream (krim kocok) cair.
- 50 g Cokelat (apa saja).
- 1/4 sendok teh Gula.
Langkah Memasak Simple Chocolate Mousse - 3 Bahan
- Cincang cokelat (jika cokelatnya berbentuk batang) dan lelehkan dengan cara Double Boiler (cokelat ditaruh di dalam mangkuk dan ditaruh di atas air mendidih).
- Kocok whipped krim cair dan gula menggunakan mixer hingga menjadi agak padat (jangan sampai overmix/terlalu lama dikocok).
- Masukkan cokelat ke whiped creamnya dan kocok sampai tercampur (jangan terlalu lama).
- Masukkan mousse nya ke dalam gelas kecil dan silahkan topping sesuka hati kamu.
- Selamat mencoba!!!.
I was requested to make mousse, this was simple, easy and came out perfectly. I mixed semisweet and bittersweet chocolate to keep this from being. It's so easy and completely luscious! #mousse #chocolatemousse #easychocolatemousse #recipe #valentinesday #valentinesdaydessert #easyvalentinesdaydessert. Mix the water and the chocolate powder till the mix is a smooth chocolate liquid. Chocolate mousse is a classic dessert favourite, perfect for any romantic occasion like Valentine's Day.
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