First time on Youtube Mousse Cake with Homemade Cream.
This Chocolate Mousse Cake is super easy, chocolaty and also eggless, without oven & no bake cake.
It's boasts a super creamy chocolate filling and is so easy to make - everyone loves it!
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Mouse Cream No Bake
- 1 bungkus biskuit (saya pakai regal).
- 100 gr cream cheese (saya pake elle vire).
- 300 ml whiiping cream (saya pakai yang cair).
- 1 sdt coklat bubuk (saya pakai van houtten).
- 150 gr DCC.
- 100 gr gula halus.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Mouse Cream No Bake
- Hancurkan biskuit dengan blender, kemudian ratakan pada loyang bulat bongkar pasang. Ratakan dan padatkan. Masukkan freezer..
- Mixer whiiping cream yang dalam keadaan dingin, tambahkan creamcheese, coklat bubuk dan gula halus. Mixer menggunakan kecepatan tinggi sampai fluffy (bila diangkat bahan tidak jatuh), jangan sampai kaku juga yaa..
- Taruh adonan krim diatas biskuit yang sudah padat dan dingin, ratakan. Masukkan freezer kembali..
- Lelehkan DCC dengan di tim dengan uap panas, pastikan cair rata. Dan tuang diatas kuenya, ratakan kembali. Masukkan lemari es (bukan freezer). Biarkan 2jam..
- Buka loyang keatas, alasnya biarkan saja. Potong-potong sesuai keinginan dan siap disajikan dingin. Huummmm yummy... So creammy and sweet.......
While this fancy French dessert might seem like the kind of dish you'd only be able to enjoy if you were at a high-end restaurant, chocolate mousse is easily achievable right in your own kitchen. Pull this recipe together with four simple ingredients: eggs, cream, sugar and semisweet baking chocolate. This Easy Chocolate Mousse recipe is equally delicious and versatile. Eat it on it's own, or layer it in a Eat it on it's own, or layer it in a trifle or cakeā¦it's a creamy no bake mousse that you will love! When the egg/cream mixture is thickened add in your chocolate.
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