Dollop the whipped cream over the mousse and top with chocolate shavings.
Cover with plastic wrap and keep chilled in the refrigerator.
Add whipped cream topping and chocolate shavings up to a few hours before serving.
Bahan Membuat Chocolate Mousse Ice Cream (3 bahan)
- 1 box whipped cream bubuk (me merk pondan).
- 250 ml air dingin.
- 2 sachet hot chocolate (merk fastana fine choco).
- Sesuai selera topping.
Langkah Memasak Chocolate Mousse Ice Cream (3 bahan)
- Campurkan whipped cream dan air dingin. Mixer hingga mengembang..
- Masukkan hot chocolate, mixer lagi hingga rata..
- Pindahkan ke wadah dan simpan di freezer hingga membeku..
- Tips : saat akan disajikan lebih baik dibiarkan dulu beberapa saat di suhu ruang agar tidak terlalu keras.. Lalu sajikan dengan topping sesuai selera...
- Ini bahan2nya.
Place about half the whipped cream into the cooled chocolate mixture; gently fold the cream into the chocolate. Repeat with remaining half of whipped cream, folding gently until nearly all the streaks have disappeared. Bahan bahan; Susu bubuk dancow SKM indomilk Biscuit Oreo Jangan lupa subscribe Thank you. This chocolate mousse is prepared in the classic French way which uses both whipped cream and egg whites. The air bubbles in the creamed egg white mixture give the mousse light and airy texture, while the chocolate makes it rich and velvety smooth.
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