Puff pastry cheese straws are here for you.
These crispy, flaky, cheesy twists require just two ingredients and a.
These upscale cheesesteak sandwiches feature flaky puff pastry instead of ordinary rolls.
Bahan Membuat Cheese stick puff pastry
- 1 lembar Kulit pastry siap pakai.
- Keju parut.
- 1 butir telur.
Langkah Memasak Cheese stick puff pastry
- Keluarkan kulit pastry dari freezer, diamkan sampai kulit menjadi lembut.
- Taburkan tepung terigu serbaguna di atas alas plastik, giling mjd lebih tipis.
- Potong2 panjang, oleskan telur, taburi keju parut.
- Panggang di oven selama 15-20menit.
- Siap dinikmati 😊.
Puff pastry cheese sticks are a great party snack. They're really easy to make as well. I'm surprised I haven't shared a recipe for these cheese How To Make Puff Pastry Cheese Sticks. Cheese Sticks Recipe Cheese Twists Cheese Straws Puff Pastry Recipes Best Cheese Bread Bun Homemade Cheese Xmas Food Savory Snacks. · Twisted puff pastry CHEESE STRAWS are quick and easy to make! They're tall, elegant and so delicious.
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