Crispy, cheesy sticks that will be a winner at any party!
How To Make Puff Pastry Cheese Sticks.
She served the bacon and cheese sticks version of it as a finger food.
Bahan Membuat Puff Pastry Cheese Sticks Simple
- 1 bungkus (750 gr) Puff Pastry.
- 150 gr Keju Cheddar (parut).
Langkah Memasak Puff Pastry Cheese Sticks Simple
- Siapkan bahannya. Keluarkan puff pastry dari frezer, simpan puff pastry sekitar 1 jam dalam suhu ruang. Parut keju cheddar..
- Buka puff pastry, ukuran 88x22cm tebal 0,25 cm, taburi keju cheddar parut, tekan-tekan pelan, agar keju menempel..
- Potong 1,5 cm. Putar ujungnya, agar membentuk spiral. Susun dalam loyang yg sudah dilapisi kertas baking. Panaskan oven 210°C selama 7 menit..
- Panggang dalam oven 210°C selama 25 menit, sampai matang, angkat..
- Sajikan untuk snack gurih..
A simple and easy cheese breadsticks recipe. These savoury bread twists are made from scratch and have a buttery, garlic, and onion flavour. Super quick cheese puff pastry twists or straws with Parmesan, Nigella or sesame seeds and dried herbs, the perfect appetizer for any kind of gathering. When you place the cheese puff pastry twists on the baking tray make sure to press both ends well to prevent the sticks from unfolding. Make easy cheese straws with this Herb and Cheese Puff Pastry Sticks recipe.
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